Get hands-on with Africa's famous wildlife and learn from some of the region's top conservationists - this rhino orphanage has even featured on the TV show 'The Supervet'! From bottle-feeding orphaned baby rhinos to monitoring adult rhinos that have been successfully released back into the wild, discover a whole holistic overview of rhino rehabilitation.
Get involved in an award-winning project for Tibetan refugees in the hometown of the Dalai Lama in India and support community work in Nepal! Both projects will surely impress you and also the welcoming people living there and the stories they have to tell. Additionally we designed a program around these projects to show you the beauty of these countries, e.g. a trek on the Mount Everest!
The mostly single women and mothers in our projects come from difficult living conditions characterised by domestic violence and stigmatisation by Tanzanian society due to HIV/AIDS. We support the women with various initiatives so that they can find their way back to an independent and self-reliant life.
Combinez votre placement volontaire avec un cours d'espagnol GRATUIT d'une semaine, pour vous permettre d'avoir un impact plus important. Si vous avez toujours voulu travailler directement avec les animaux exotiques et si vous vous intéressez également à la protection des animaux, cette expérience est exactement ce qu'il vous faut !
Partez en pleine jungle amazonienne pour protéger la biodiversité de la forêt tropicale ainsi que pour participer à un programme de réintroduction de la faune sauvage et à un projet de ferme biologique modèle ! La région étant de plus en plus dévastée par les projets miniers et pétroliers, votre aide sur le projet est primordiale pour sauvegarder la faune et la flore amazonienne.
The everyday life of many South Africans is influenced by poverty, malnutrition, lack of the access to medical care and education, violence and drug or alcohol abuse. As a volunteer you will support the non-profit organization, that supports people from socially difficult backgrounds and aims to improve their living conditions and opportunities.