In the city of Port Elizabeth you can volunteer to support the team of a local NGO in a sports program for children and adolescents. The children are usually from disadvantaged family backgrounds and face various social problems, e.g. Poverty and unemployment of the parents, child neglect, or alcohol and drug abuse in the family.
As a volunteer you can help with many sports activities and provide meaningful leisure time acitivities to the children.
Sports at schools:
Although sport is a mandatory part of the curriculum in South Africa, many teachers lack the knowledge or motivation to undertake a meaningful sports program. From Monday to Thursday, you will assist in 2 elementary schools and help to provide a fun and engaging sports program for children and young people of 6-18 years. These include all major sports such as soccer, cricket, rugby, hockey, netball, tennis and basketball. Of course you can also bring in your own ideas for sports activities!
Basketball in the afternoon:
On Wednesdays and Thursdays, basketball lessons for teenagers aged 12-18 take place in the sports grounds of a school in the afternoons. You teach the children the basic techniques and rules of the game. The goal is not that everyone masters the game perfectly: It's all about having fun together, enjoying the physical activity and to build team spirit.
Swimming Lessons:
There is swimming lessons for children aged 6-9 on Fridays. During the summer months swimming lessons take place outdoors; during the winter months in an indoor pool.
By dedicating your time and skills to this project you can pass on your passion for sports, promote a more healthy and active lifestyle to children and young people and offer meaningful leisure time activities!
We look forward to hearing from you!
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