Do you love dogs and their wellbeing is important to you? Then the Tokushima dog shelter in southern Japan is the place for you! Volunteers support the private animal shelter in looking after around 125 four-legged friends! You will gain insights into the work and responsibilities in an animal shelter and make sure that the dogs get enough exercise and activity.
Volunteer in animal welfare! Engage in a variety of animal welfare projects in South Africa: Whether a volunteer mission to rescue penguins and sea birds, in a dog shelter or on a ranch for the resocialization for abused horses - here's where all animal lovers can find the right project! Just let us know which option appeals to you the most, and we'll let you know all about it!
Do you enjoy sports and exercise and love working with children and young people? Help a local team of sports enthusiasts to teach sports at schools, train basketball or give swimming lessons to children and promote a healthy and active lifestyle! Supervised internships for students of Sports and Physical Education are also possible here.
Participez aux projets de protection de l'environnement marin aux Seychelles, dans un cadre somptueux et à travers une aventure collective inoubliable. Surveillez et collectez des données sur les récifs coralliens, observez la migration des requins baleines, invertébrés, tortues, plancton, etc.Formez des partenaires locaux sur les recherches environnementales.