Set in the foothills of the Carpathian Mountains in Transylvania, this sanctuary currently homes over 100 mistreated and abused bears. Rescued from cramped cages and tourist attractions, these bears can now enjoy freedom in the stunning sanctuary. Volunteers mainly help with food preparation and other ad hoc sanctuary tasks, watched over by the bears. Day trips for school groups are available.
Take your family on an unforgettable family holiday in Borneo, helping to preserve this stunning environment for generations to come. Families get stuck in monitoring wildlife and helping to regenerate the rainforest so that these animals will continue to have a habitat. Highlights include the stunning location, the integration with the community and seeing orangutans!
Support us on the breath taking island of Koh Tao in Marine Conservation! Learn to dive, get in depth knowledge of important topics and methods of marine conservation and apply your knowledge under water. You will conduct surveys, take part in beach clean ups, maintain coral nurseries and all of this with a dedicated team of professionals who will make you part of their marine conservation family!
The Mediterranean coastline is renowned for being one of the most spectacular areas of western Europe, yet this beauty may well be impacted by the single use plastic crisis. The threat is so serious that experts have predicted that there will be more plastic in the sea than marine life by 2050. Volunteers on this project contribute to the international effort to conquer the plastics crisis.
Sur l'île de Sado, dans l'ouest du Japon, vous pouvez travailler avec des volontaires japonais et internationaux pour aider à protéger l'environnement et vous immerger dans la culture rurale japonaise traditionnelle. Vous séjournerez dans des tentes meublées situées dans le jardin d'un temple historique et participerez à un programme quotidien d'activités.
A perfect opportunity for families with teenagers, this bear sanctuary project enables you to work closely with these amazing creatures. Many of the bears were rescued from awful lives: kept in tiny cages or being forced to perform for tourists. They now live in peace at the sanctuary, cared for by the passionate team and enthusiastic volunteers.Maximum family size is 5.
Join an award winning elephant conservation team to help protect and research the desert elephants. Construct walls to protect farmers’ water infrastructure and build drinking points for the elephants to help reduce the conflict within the local community. Camp out under the stars in the beautiful Namibian desert whilst immersing yourself in pioneering conservation work.