Ce projet de conservation des tortues marines se déroule de recherche sur l'île de Kefalonia, en Grèce. Les tâches des volontaires sont des patrouilles matinales quotidiennes pour localiser et protéger les nouveaux nids, l'identification des tortues et des études comportementales dans les zones où les tortues de mer nagent, et l'information de la population locale et des visiteurs sur l'île.
Le stage biologie marine aux Canaries vous permet de valider votre année tout en approfondissant vos connaissances sur l’écosystème marin en immersion aux Canaries. Participez donc à la protection des baleines et des dauphins notamment aux côtés d’experts et spécialistes, et acquérez une réelle expérience terrain en mettant à profit vos compétences et connaissances théoriques!
The Mediterranean coastline is renowned for being one of the most spectacular areas of western Europe, yet this beauty may well be impacted by the single use plastic crisis. The threat is so serious that experts have predicted that there will be more plastic in the sea than marine life by 2050. Volunteers on this project contribute to the international effort to conquer the plastics crisis.
Each day, 2000kg of food is wasted in Portugal. Meanwhile, thousands of people are living below the poverty line, unable to afford substantial and healthy meals each day. Volunteers on this project travel around the city of Lisbon collecting unwanted food from retailers, and distribute it to those in need.
Split, la deuxième plus grande ville de Croatie, a une influence méditerranéenne spéciale qui la rend particulièrement accueillante, confortable et chaleureuse, idéale pour un écotourisme en Europe. Participer au projet de conservation marine à Split, c’est s'engager dans le nettoyage des fonds marins et la lutte contre la pollution pour protéger les espèces marines via un écotourisme en Europe.
Every year, over 640,000 tonnes of fishing gear is lost in our oceans. As a consequence, more than 130,000 seals, whales and dolphins are being killed annually by this debris. This volunteer project involves diving in the ocean near Lisbon, removing fishing gear and other rubbish from the ocean bed and reefs.
Join the conservation team and help save the sea turtles of Kefalonia from extinction by getting involved in a range of hands on activities such as surveying nesting beaches, observing and identifying turtles, measuring light pollution and rescuing hatchlings. Live on the stunning island of Kefalonia, famous for its sandy beaches, rugged coastline and clear blue waters of the Ionian Sea.
The goal of our field volunteer program is to contribute to sustainable development in the area of the Inner Ionian island archipelago in Greece. For this activity we monitor two things: seagrass monitoring (June to September) and Mediterannean monk seal monitoring (year round). Volunteers can participate in either activty or potentially both.