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Diving and plastic waste removal volunteering in Barcelona

Pays d’action: Espagne, Europe
Type d’activité: Ecovolontariat
The Mediterranean coastline is renowned for being one of the most spectacular areas of western Europe, yet this beauty may well be impacted by the single use plastic crisis. The threat is so serious that experts have predicted that there will be more plastic in the sea than marine life by 2050. Volunteers on this project contribute to the international effort to conquer the plastics crisis.

Description du projet et du rôle des volontaires

The project

Single use plastic is causing an alarming amount of pollution in one of Europe's most beloved regions - the Mediterranean basin. A large amount of plastic waste is entering the sea near Barcelona from drains, rivers and sewage, as well as coming in on the tides. This plastic pollution not only ruins such a pretty area, but becomes harmful to sealife, enters the food chain and impacts on our ecosystem.

Volunteers on this project will join a passionate team of divers who are keen to clean up the sea around Barcelona. Each day, you will go diving to collect plastic, fishing nets and other marine debris from the sea. This is such an important effort, and in the last 3 months alone, over 100kg of plastic has been removed from the sea.

Project details

  • Available for divers of all levels - whether you have never dived before or are a passionate diver. 1 week volunteers must have an existing diving qualification
  • All participants will receive extra dive training and the opportunity to take further qualifications whilst in Barcelona for no extra cost
  • You will complete daily dives with the team to collect plastic and fishing nets, and other marine debris, from the Mediterranean
  • Once the dive is complete, volunteers separate and weigh the rubbish and record the data
  • Collected rubbish is reused or recycled, where possible
  • Volunteers are generally engaged in activities between 10:00 and 14:30

Free time in Barcelona

Once the day's work is done, your time is your own to relax at the beach, explore the cultural diversity of the city or try some of the renowned Spanish food. As part of your trip, you will take part in a city tour led by a member of the homeless community, which will show you elements of the city that are not seen by most tourists.

Accommodation and food

  • Stay in an eco-hostel in Barcelona, sharing a dorm room with other volunteers
  • Wifi available at the accommodation
  • Three meals per day provided
  • Important extra information about the organisation of this project

    • You will be with other international volunteers from around the world
    • There is 24/7 emergency support
    • Speak to someone who has done this project - our experienced team have volunteered on all of our projects and know them intimately
    • You will need travel insurance to be able to join this project - we can offer advice of what to look for in a travel insurance policy

L’organisation de volontariat se présente

This organisation specialises in arranging hand-picked ethical volunteering projects in more than 24 countries around the world. Projects mainly focus on animal welfare, conservation, and sustainability, with strong focus also on humanitarian and social care programmes. Their passionate and experienced team of travellers have been sending volunteers around the world since 2006.

Oyster Worldwide also offer work programmes for those wanting jobs in Canada or Australia. Have a look at their website for more options!
En savoir plus sur nos critères de sélection pour choisir nos organisations partenaires.

Fiche technique de la mission

Pays d’action :
Espagne, Europe
Type d'activité :
Durée de la mission :
Minimum: 2 semaines
Maximum: 4 semaines / 1 Mois
Frais de participation à la mission :
(contacter l’organisation pour une liste de prix complète)
2 semaines : 2320 €
4 semaines/1 mois : 3895 €
Pourquoi payer pour faire du volontariat ?

* Toutes les indications de prix sont fournies par l’organisation de volontariat sans garantie. Si l’organisation ne facture pas en Euros, les prix réels peuvent varier en fonction du cours de change.
Disponibilité de la mission :
There are arrivals every 2 weeks between April and October.
Age minimum :
18 ans
Age maximum :
pas d'âge maximum
Placement individuelle ou en groupe ?
Maîtrise de langues :
Must be able to communicate in English and understand English.
Qualifications particulières :
There are no specific skills required. All participants will receive a dive training and a dive qualification based on their experience.
Hébergement & repas :
Participants live in an eco-hostel outside of the city centre. Rooms are shared with up to 5 other volunteers. Hot and cold showers, swimming pool and 3 meals per day provided at the eco-hostel.

Obtenir plus d’informations gratuitement

  • Recevez immédiatement un e-mail avec le site web et le n° de téléphone de l’organisation de volontariat
  • Recevez gratuitement notre guide avec une check-list à imprimer
  • Un guide de conversation en cadeau, si vous vous inscrivez plus tard
First name
Last name
Phone number / Whatsapp / SMS
Questions and motivations*

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Le guide du volontariat à l’étranger

Comment choisir la bonne organisation de volontariat ?

Si vous utilisez notre formulaire de contact, nous vous offrons en plus notre guide de plus de 20 pages « Comment choisir la bonne organisation de volontariat ? » au format PDF. Il contient entre autres une check-list avec plus de 50 critères de sélection pour facilement évaluer vos options.