Les écovolontaires contribuent aux études de la biodiversité locale dans le but de faire préserver la nature sauvage dans une réserve naturelle privée près de la frontière avec l’Afrique du Sud. Vous participez au recensement des animaux sauvages, menez des études scientifiques d’impact et aidez à effacer les traces d’une ancienne exploitation humaine de la réserve.
Ce projet de conservation des tortues marines se déroule de recherche sur l'île de Kefalonia, en Grèce. Les tâches des volontaires sont des patrouilles matinales quotidiennes pour localiser et protéger les nouveaux nids, l'identification des tortues et des études comportementales dans les zones où les tortues de mer nagent, et l'information de la population locale et des visiteurs sur l'île.
Ce programme d’écovolontariat est conçu pour les personnes qui s'intéressent à la protection de la nature et de l'environnement en Nouvelle-Zélande. Nous collaborons très étroitement avec le Ministère de l’Environnement et nos volontaires ont l'occasion de travailler main dans la main avec des gardes-forestiers et d'apprendre les dernières techniques de protection de la nature.
Travel to the USA and support an exciting 12-week volunteer project in the Golden State! You will play an active role in different nature conservation projects on the West Coast, living amidst California's breathtaking wilderness. Your work on the project will take you to beautiful regions of the state, far off the beaten path, giving you an insight into California’s wild nature.
Explore the ocean and its creatures to help promote the future of the marine world. Become a part of this important research and conservation mission, whose findings are helping to shape Thai government legislation. With up to three dives per day and access to plenty of expert knowledge, you will learn to appreciate and understand the complexities of marine conservation.
Every year, over 640,000 tonnes of fishing gear is lost in our oceans. As a consequence, more than 130,000 seals, whales and dolphins are being killed annually by this debris. This volunteer project involves diving in the ocean near Lisbon, removing fishing gear and other rubbish from the ocean bed and reefs.
Join us in making a difference at one of Africa's largest and most established rehabilitation centres! Moholoholo has been dedicated to saving animals' lives for over 25 years. As a volunteer, you'll immerse yourself in the vital work of nursing injured, poisoned, and orphaned wildlife back to health while actively supporting their conservation.
If you are an adventurer looking for time-out which will benefit you in the long-term, then this course with training as Field Guide Level 1, is the right choice for you. In 55 days you will learn the essentials about the interplay of reserve, flora and fauna from experienced and highly qualified instructors. The programme focuses on delivering training and further education directly in the wild.