The Amazon Jungle Camp offers the opportunity to experience and protect an almost untouched part of nature far away from society, and to find and develop yourself in it. To live for a bit without electricity or running water and to return to the basics will surely be an unforgettable, life-shaping experience!
Butterflies, reptiles & other species...
This project is specifically concerned with the conservation of butterflies and insects, reptiles and amphibians, as well as plants native to the Amazon region between the Peruvian Andes and the lower reaches of the "Madre de Dios" (Spanish for Mother of the Gods). The owner of the property is an experienced researcher and biologist over 70 years old, after whom more than 20 butterfly species in Asia have been named. His goal is to stop the extinction of these special butterflies, which appear in the most diverse shapes, colors, and sizes.
...are threatened by extinction!
Collectors from North America and Europe pay horrendous sums of money to display rare butterflies (there are about 1200 species in this region!) in their showcases at home. However, as they do not go hunting themselves, they hire middlemen who specifically commission local poachers to catch special butterfly species in large numbers from the rainforest and smuggle them abroad.
Plants, too!
This practice does not only exterminate thousands of butterflies, but also their host plants and thus the neighboring plants, trees, and insects that are part of the natural vegetation and food chain. This is an unstoppable process that will ultimately affect the entire flora and fauna of this region if no action is taken.
Illegal Deforestation
Another problem is the illegal clearing of tree species (such as the Aguano tree), which are exported from the rainforest as construction timber, without reforesting the cleared areas.
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