Join an active conservation research centre to support their work in researching and conserving amazing local wildlife, including endangered sea turtles. During turtle season you will help monitor and protect nesting sea turtles and release hatchlings into the Pacific Ocean. Throughout the year there are several active scientific research projects to immerse yourself in Costa Rica’s wildlife.
A volunteering experience with bite! Get ready for the animal encounter of a lifetime, working closely with the entire spectrum of safari wildlife on a working game reserve.This special program calls for animal lovers and outdoor enthusiasts alike to join the effort to protect Africa’s iconic big game species through park patrols; predator tracking; species surveys and more.
Every year, over 640,000 tonnes of fishing gear is lost in our oceans. As a consequence, more than 130,000 seals, whales and dolphins are being killed annually by this debris. This volunteer project involves diving in the ocean near Lisbon, removing fishing gear and other rubbish from the ocean bed and reefs.
Vous assisterez les meilleurs spécialistes et scientifiques de la réserve naturelle Limpopo pour la protection des animaux sauvages d'Afrique du sud. Vous pourrez apprendre les stratégies de conservation des espèces animales en Afrique du Sud, participer au suivi quotidien des animaux de la réserve et constater l’importance de la protection des animaux sauvages et de leurs habitats.
The goal of our field volunteer program is to contribute to sustainable development in the area of the Inner Ionian island archipelago in Greece. For this activity, volunteers monitor the bird diversity and behavior for a variety of coastal ecosystems principally in the island of Kalamos, using direct observations, sound recorders and passive acoustic monitoring devices.
Conservation volunteering with us in the Galapagos Islands allows you to have exclusive access to the Galapagos National Park: a unique opportunity to live surrounded by an amazing nature which is home to the largest number of animal species in the world. Join us and help with the protection of giant tortoises and sea lions.
Tu habiteras dans un camp confortable avec d’autres volontaires dans la forêt tropicale de Jozani. Des vélos sont à ta disposition pour les activités liées à la protection des reptiles indigènes et des singes colobes rouges endémiques, la plantation de mangroves, le travail avec une coopérative agricole, des cours de natation pour les enfants, la culture des algues et l'éducation environnementale.