Description of the project
In the project at the biological station in Peru, you will have the opportunity to receive practical training in monitoring, researching and conserving the Amazon rainforest. You will independently collect valuable information and, together with volunteers and researchers from all over the world, support conservation efforts.
At the same time, you will experience an isolated lifestyle that minimises the impact on nature and brings you back to your roots.
You will need to organise your own arrival at Padre Aldamiz International Airport in Peru. Volunteers will be picked up by a staff member of the research station in a small motorboat in Puerto Maldonado and will take you to the research station. This boat trip takes about an hour.
Typical activities during the volunteer stay
On average, you will spend 6-8 hours on activities in the rainforest on 6 out of 7 days. However, this can vary. Some activities start early and others take place late in the evening. Sometimes you will spend a whole day in the forest. Activities include collecting data using camera traps, assisting with behavioural studies, walking mammal transects, assessing vegetation patches, clearing trails with a machete and assisting with current surveys.
Leisure time
One day a week is usually set aside for leisure and rest. Depending on the season, joint activities are planned, such as a volleyball game, a visit to the beach or a trip on the river. Outside the research station, you should only be accompanied and agreed upon for safety reasons. It is possible to swim at the riverbank in pairs.
You will have the opportunity to spend a night in Puerto Maldonado every second weekend, at your own expense. Here you can try Peruvian cuisine in restaurants, talk to locals, relax in a hotel and run errands in the shops.
Note for students
Students can gain practical experience, conduct their own scientific research, or write their thesis on site.
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