Notre projet se situe dans une ferme à démarche éco-resonsable, située dans la zone rurale de Subukia, dans la vallée du grand rift africain.Les activités iront de l’entretien de la propriété, au recensement des espèces, en passant par la confection de harnais, tout pour mener à bien la mission de la ferme et assurer le bien-être des animaux !
Tu habiteras dans un camp confortable avec d’autres volontaires dans la forêt tropicale de Jozani. Des vélos sont à ta disposition pour les activités liées à la protection des reptiles indigènes et des singes colobes rouges endémiques, la plantation de mangroves, le travail avec une coopérative agricole, des cours de natation pour les enfants, la culture des algues et l'éducation environnementale.
With the awe-inspiring spectacle of Machu Picchu; the sensation of waking up in the Amazon rainforest; or intimate encounters with incredible animals, you are sure to encounter something to astound you at every turn of this journey. Volunteering projects in wildlife conservation mean you can leave your mark and give something back as you travel this vibrant, surprising corner of South America.
In the forests around Karuizawa you can join a conversation project for Asian Black Bears, carried out by the Wildlife Research Centre. You will assist the team to tag Black Bears with radio collars and to keep the bears away from humans. Furthermore you can assist with guided visitor tours through the forest. This volunteer placement is possible in English language.
Work with nature’s gentle giants on this inspiring conservation and research project. Working closely with the abused and displaced elephants, you gain a rich insight into one of the world’s most intelligent creatures. As a volunteer you get to know the elephants intimately whilst caring for them, feeding them and contributing to advancing research.
Join a wildlife rescue team and care for the animals in the sanctuary. Provide food and enrichment for a variety of animals including monkeys, sloths and anteaters that have been injured, orphaned or mistreated. Observe, monitor and collect data on animals which are being rehabilitated for release. Explore the beautiful rainforest surroundings and coastal National Park in your free time.
Wolves are in severe danger of excinction in Portugal. Their main threat is us - they have been hunted drastically and kept in zoos in awful conditions. Join a wolf sanctuary located in a National Park just outside Lisbon, where you will work with rescued wolves to give them a life as close to the wild as possible.