The mostly single women and mothers in our projects come from difficult living conditions characterised by domestic violence and stigmatisation by Tanzanian society due to HIV/AIDS. We support the women with various initiatives so that they can find their way back to an independent and self-reliant life.
Earth Care, People Care, and Fair Share - In Zanzibar you have the chance to volunteer or do an internship in permaculture farming with an international foundation that runs a permaculture garden for vocational training purposes and to produce the food ingredients used at the foundation's kitchen. The project has a friendly, inspiring multicultural atmosphere and is located directly on the coast.
The projects help to improve the quality of life of children and adolescents with mental and physical disabilities and their families. They provide educational opportunities as well as various therapy services. Volunteer placements are possible in the areas of special education, remedial education as well as in physiotherapy and occupational therapy.
With us, you have the opportunity to support two different hospitals in Arusha. You can get an insight into the Tanzanian health system, which is very different from what you know from home. Most Tanzanians do not have health insurance and therefore have little access to good medical care. Your help is needed here!
Are animals important to you and would you like to get involved in animal welfare in Tanzania? Then you have the opportunity to get involved in a unique project with us. Arusha has a big problem, especially with street dogs, which multiply uncontrollably and are often in a catastrophic health condition.
Are you passionate about football and would you like to get involved in a social project? Then you have the opportunity to support children and young people with us and give them a very special self-confidence. Our partner projects work with children and young people who come from socially disadvantaged families and are given a new perspective through football.
Dans le camp de protection du climat vous pouvez vous impliquer dans le reboisement, la promotion de cuisinières économes en énergie, des semences résistantes au climat, du bambou comme matériau durable, de l'aquaponie et du biocarburants. Vous serez intégré dans une communauté villageoise et apprendrez des connaissances de la vie autonome.