Women's Group in Moshi
We can arrange volunteer placements at a Women’s Group that does not only support women in Moshi but also in rural areas of Tanzania. The group was founded by a social worker and provides assistance and help in the following areas:
- Support for orphans and children growing up in foster families
- Education of local communities about nutrition, HIV/AIDS, domestic violence, abuse of alcohol and drugs, inheritance and ownership rights
- Development of income-generating measures to effectively use of the resources available to women, such as harvesting of crops, chicken or goat farming, handicrafts, etc.
Volunteers accompany and assist with the above mentioned activities.
The founder of the women’s group is a social worker can supervise internships in the field of social work.
Women's rights & human rights, legal advice
Volunteer placements are possible with a non-governmental organization (NGO) educating women and disadvantaged minorities about their rights and providing free legal advise and legal representation.
The main aim of the organization is to fight poverty and to support the socioeconomic development of disadvantaged groups. Furthermore, the organization conducts campaigns and educational activities to familiarize the local communities with women's rights and human rights and to promote respectful relationships amongst each other.
Volunteers support the NGO in the following areas: law, social work and gender, writing of proposals and reports, media production (including flyers, posters), website updates and translations, writing of texts on relevant topics, news writing, IT support and fundraising.
Internships for students of law, sociology, gender studies, or similar are possible here.
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