Les tortues marines et les crocodiles sont deux classes d’animaux menacées pour lesquels nos volontaires s’engagent au Mexique. En parallèle, nous menons des études de biodiversité sur une partie du littoral mexicain qui grâce au travail de nos volontaires a été reconnu comme site d'importance internationale. Rejoignez nos équipes qui agissent activement sur ces différents projets !
Wolves are in severe danger of excinction in Portugal. Their main threat is us - they have been hunted drastically and kept in zoos in awful conditions. Join a wolf sanctuary located in a National Park just outside Lisbon, where you will work with rescued wolves to give them a life as close to the wild as possible.
The goal of our field volunteer program is to contribute to sustainable development in the area of the Inner Ionian island archipelago in Greece. For this activity we monitor two things: seagrass monitoring (June to September) and Mediterannean monk seal monitoring (year round). Volunteers can participate in either activty or potentially both.
Vous assisterez les meilleurs spécialistes et scientifiques de la réserve naturelle Limpopo pour la protection des animaux sauvages d'Afrique du sud. Vous pourrez apprendre les stratégies de conservation des espèces animales en Afrique du Sud, participer au suivi quotidien des animaux de la réserve et constater l’importance de la protection des animaux sauvages et de leurs habitats.
Not sure which professional field you are really interested in? With a job orientation internship in Tanzania, you can combine several short-term internships from various fields and try out what suits you! The minimum duration for each internship is 1 or 2 weeks. You do not need any previous experience or training/studies for these internships and you can take part from the age of 16!
Work with a team of specialists to support reforestation efforts in Brazil's Atlantic rainforest--one of the most biodiverse regions of the world! You will learn a variety of new skills, from agroforestry techniques to medicinal plant identification, all while working to restore one of the world's greatest natural wonders.
Join us in making a difference at one of Africa's largest and most established rehabilitation centres! Moholoholo has been dedicated to saving animals' lives for over 25 years. As a volunteer, you'll immerse yourself in the vital work of nursing injured, poisoned, and orphaned wildlife back to health while actively supporting their conservation.
Volunteers at our Wildlife Orphanage nurture animals and educate local children on wildlife care. We rehabilitate injured or orphaned animals, integral to our vision. Children, often unfamiliar with local wildlife due to poaching, learn to coexist and protect these animals, understanding their role in tourism and employment.
The Mediterranean coastline is renowned for being one of the most spectacular areas of western Europe, yet this beauty may well be impacted by the single use plastic crisis. The threat is so serious that experts have predicted that there will be more plastic in the sea than marine life by 2050. Volunteers on this project contribute to the international effort to conquer the plastics crisis.
Tu habiteras dans un camp confortable avec d’autres volontaires dans la forêt tropicale de Jozani. Des vélos sont à ta disposition pour les activités liées à la protection des reptiles indigènes et des singes colobes rouges endémiques, la plantation de mangroves, le travail avec une coopérative agricole, des cours de natation pour les enfants, la culture des algues et l'éducation environnementale.