Join the conservation team and help save the sea turtles of Kefalonia from extinction by getting involved in a range of hands on activities such as surveying nesting beaches, observing and identifying turtles, measuring light pollution and rescuing hatchlings. Live on the stunning island of Kefalonia, famous for its sandy beaches, rugged coastline and clear blue waters of the Ionian Sea.
Are you inspired by the extraordinary beauty of the Greek islands and looking for a way to help protect endangered marine life? Then join our international team of volunteers on the island of Kefalonia on a research-based sea turtle conservation project. You can choose between Lixouri and Argostoli - or do both!
Ce projet de conservation des tortues marines se déroule de recherche sur l'île de Kefalonia, en Grèce. Les tâches des volontaires sont des patrouilles matinales quotidiennes pour localiser et protéger les nouveaux nids, l'identification des tortues et des études comportementales dans les zones où les tortues de mer nagent, et l'information de la population locale et des visiteurs sur l'île.
The goal of our field volunteer program is to contribute to sustainable development in the area of the Inner Ionian island archipelago in Greece. For this activity, volunteers monitor the bird diversity and behavior for a variety of coastal ecosystems principally in the island of Kalamos, using direct observations, sound recorders and passive acoustic monitoring devices.
The goal of our field volunteer program is to contribute to sustainable development in the area of the Inner Ionian island archipelago in Greece. For this activity we monitor two things: seagrass monitoring (June to September) and Mediterannean monk seal monitoring (year round). Volunteers can participate in either activty or potentially both.