Volunteers at our Wildlife Orphanage nurture animals and educate local children on wildlife care. We rehabilitate injured or orphaned animals, integral to our vision. Children, often unfamiliar with local wildlife due to poaching, learn to coexist and protect these animals, understanding their role in tourism and employment.
If you are an adventurer looking for time-out which will benefit you in the long-term, then this course with training as Field Guide Level 1, is the right choice for you. In 55 days you will learn the essentials about the interplay of reserve, flora and fauna from experienced and highly qualified instructors. The programme focuses on delivering training and further education directly in the wild.
This project will give you the opportunity to gather experience in genuine nature conservation and animal protection work. Make your own “once in a lifetime experience”. Under the guidance of a trained and experienced team, you will be able to make your contribution to nature conservation and animal protection in Africa.
Les écovolontaires contribuent aux études de la biodiversité locale dans le but de faire préserver la nature sauvage dans une réserve naturelle privée près de la frontière avec l’Afrique du Sud. Vous participez au recensement des animaux sauvages, menez des études scientifiques d’impact et aidez à effacer les traces d’une ancienne exploitation humaine de la réserve.
Vivez une expérience unique et concrète de protection des animaux et de la nature auprès de notre ONG en Namibie. Les volontaires ont la formidable opportunité de participer activement à la conservation, à la réhabilitation, aux soins et à la recherche sur la faune africaine. Le sanctuaire constitue actuellement un refuge sûr pour les animaux orphelins, blessés ou menacés.
Work with nature’s gentle giants on this inspiring conservation and research project. Working closely with the abused and displaced elephants, you gain a rich insight into one of the world’s most intelligent creatures. As a volunteer you get to know the elephants intimately whilst caring for them, feeding them and contributing to advancing research.