There are a range of exciting and diverse roles you can take part in which are outlined below (you are not expected to do all the roles). You don’t need any previous experience, just a positive attitude and lots of enthusiasm!
Tech2Teach (during term time*)
You will be involved in an innovative educational programme, using tablets provided by the charity to help children in their first 3 years of primary school learn in new ways. Alongside the local team you will travel to different village schools where the children don’t normally have access to any computers, it’s very popular!
Sessions take place for 2-3 hours during the school day. The tablets are pre-loaded with interactive educational apps, which are organised by class level and cover English and Maths as well as some games too! In addition to numeracy and literacy development, it develops their IT, problem solving and concentration skills.
Construction and Maintenance
You can help with the building or maintenance work at schools and clinics in remote villages, working with the local team.
You may also help to maintain eco-handwashing stations (using collected rain water), which have been installed by the charity.
Creche / Nursery (during term time*)
The charity runs and staffs several creches at schools in different villages, providing valuable early years education. A free lunch is also provided by the charity for the children so it’s a great way to boost both young minds and bodies!
You can assist the teacher with the day to day running of the creche. There are normally 25-45 children aged 2-4 years and volunteers are greatly appreciated as an extra resource.
Sports Coaching (after school during term time*)
Sport lovers can share their passion by organising after school outdoor sports sessions (normally around 4-6pm) for children and members of the local community, improving health, concentration, team work and confidence.
Clean Hands Save Lives (during term time*)
You will go with the local team to a school and run activities to promote hand washing, such as using ultraviolet light and gels to show children how germs can live on their hands.
Baby Weighing
Travel with the community nurse to local villages to help with drop-in clinics for mothers with children who are under 5 years old.
Si vous utilisez notre formulaire de contact, nous vous offrons en plus notre guide de plus de 20 pages « Comment choisir la bonne organisation de volontariat ? » au format PDF. Il contient entre autres une check-list avec plus de 50 critères de sélection pour facilement évaluer vos options.