Although Myanmar is rich in natural resources, many people still live in poverty, with incomes of less than $2 per day. The Thablywa Center in Thanlyin uses Buddhist principles to care for around 2500 needy people, providing them with food, shelter and medical care.
Volunteers take care of residents with physical difficulties and support them in their daily activities (such as washing, dressing, making beds, tidying up rooms). They will definitely enjoy a ride with you in a wheelchair! You help to clean the rooms and common areas, to wash the rice and to feed them. You can also teach English to the monks and nuns. If you have relevant experience, you can also help the centre with communications and public relations (e.g., social media, website updates, video or sound editing).
If you have experience in medicine, nursing or therapies, there will be a lot for you to do! The center is particularly happy about volunteers with medical, nursing or therapeutic skills and experiences.
Volunteers are invited to participate in the everyday life of the Buddhist community, e.g. you can join the free meditation at the center.
If you are ready to immerse yourself deeply in life and local culture, using and do charitable, social work, then volunteering at this centre in Myanmar is just right for you!
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