In Moshi, a town at the foot of Kilimanjaro, we work with various institutions that support children and youth from disadvantaged backgrounds. In Tanzania, it is estimated that there are around 4 million children under the age of 14 who are inadequately cared for.
As an remote intern in social work, you will have a professional social worker as your internship supervisor who will give you an introduction and take you on virtual visits , for example to schools, families or to youth centers, during which you can communicate directly with the beneficiaries of the NGO and then receive professional feedback from the social worker. You are also involved in case management, planning and administrative tasks. The remote internship gives you an insight into the social situation in Tanzania and the work of social workers without having to travel.
Example: Community Center in Moshi
The children and adolescents who make use of the care services are living with their own or with foster families, but often attend the center for leisure activities or for educational workshops. The social workers make regular school and home visits to the families and offer advice.
Possible tasks for remote interns include, for example, participation in case management, writing reports, strategic planning, social media activities, planning and designing workshops and seminars and fundraising.
For this online internship you do not travel to Tanzania yourself, but you communicate with your internship supervisor via Skype/Zoom/Google Meets/Whatsapp.
You can decide for yourself how many hours per week you want to do the remote internship (6-40 hours per week are possible). This includes the time you work on tasks that your internship supervisor gives you as well as the time you communicate online and make virtual visits (usually 2-3 times a week for 1-2 hours). Any duration from 2 weeks to 6 months is possible.
Before the internship starts, there is an online meeting in which you will first receive a cultural briefing on the Tanzanian work environment and then you will discuss the goals of your internship, your exact tasks and the schedule with the social worker. Your interests can be specifically addressed.
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