View LargeVolunteering with socially disadvantaged children and youth in Bolivia
View LargeVolunteering with socially disadvantaged children and youth in Bolivia
View LargeVolunteering with socially disadvantaged children and youth in Bolivia
View LargeVolunteering with socially disadvantaged children and youth in Bolivia
View LargeVolunteering with socially disadvantaged children and youth in Bolivia
The project with headquarters in Cochabamba provides learning programs for children and youth between 4-17 years in a playful way. Topics include mutual respect, community spirit, responsibility, sharing, but also topics related to nutrition, animals, plants and nature.
The main aim is to further the creative, motoric and linguistic abilities of the children as well as to increase their self esteem and to promote a peaceful, nonviolent and respectful coexistence.
Furthermore, the project runs a soccer (football) project and an English language program. Through practicing their English language skills, the children and youth can increase their belief in their own abilities and strengthen their self-esteem. Playing soccer provides them with the possibility to spend their leisure time in a meaningful and healthy way. The aim of the program is to prevent the children from spending their time on the streets and from the consumption of alcohol and drugs or from developing violent behaviors. It provides them with a safe environment for learning and enjoying life.
Activities for volunteers include:
- implementing playful and creative learning activities
- teaching English
- preparing content for teaching
- training soccer or other sports activities, organizing soccer matches
- developing and implementing workshops for arts, crafts, music, fun games etc.
- assisting the project with PR
The rates mentioned below apply in case of 1 person and include our service package + accommodation at a volunteer accommodation in Cochabamba, including breakfast and lunch on weekdays.
Depuis 2007, nous nous consacrons à l'échange interculturel et à l’éducation dans le monde entier. Notre objectif est de favoriser la compréhension entre les cultures. Les expériences et les compétences interculturelles que vous pouvez acquérir en participant à notre programme augmentent l’empathie entre les peuples et favorisent une coexistence mondiale plus juste.
Nous avons nos propres équipes et divers programmes de volontariat, de stages, de vacances-travail et de langues en Tanzanie, à Zanzibar, en Afrique du Sud, au Maroc, en Israël/Palestine, en Irlande, en Allemagne, au Nicaragua, en Bolivie, en Inde, au Japon et en Corée du Sud.
Nous gérons nos propres camps de protection de l'environnement à plusieurs endroits, où nous menons des activités de protection de l'environnement et d'immersion culturelle sous la direction d'experts.
Pour chaque participant à nos programmes mondiaux, nous plantons 10 arbres indigènes sur le Kilimandjaro pour compenser les émissions de CO2 des vols. Nous gérons également des forêts de bambous à Zanzibar et au Kilimandjaro. Le bambou est un matériau polyvalent à croissance rapide qui n'est pas seulement un excellent puits de carbone, mais peut également remplacer le plastique et le bois dur dans de nombreuses applications.
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Il contient entre autres une check-list avec plus de 50 critères de sélection pour facilement évaluer vos options.