In Japan, it is common to work until 9 or 10 p.m. daily, while schools usually end at 3:15 p.m. For this reason, many parents resort to the possibility of accommodating their children in an afterschool childcare centre, called "gakudo" in Japanese.
In Tokyo we work with several Gakudos. They are non-profit organizations, meaning that the fees paid by the parents only cover the operating costs. Each Gakudo is attended by around 90 to 100 children aged 3 to 10 years a day. In the Gakudo, the children do their homework, play with other children or do sports, eat snacks and learn English. There are also regular events or excursions to which the parents are invited.
As a remote intern, you can work comfortably from home while gaining international experience working in a Gakudo!
Your tasks include:
* Communicating with the children in English: Many parents hope that their children will improve their English at the gakudo. You will give the children an opportunity to communicate with you in English via webcam and microphone
* Plan and carry out English lessons: You will plan interactive and varied educational games and teaching units in English that are adapted to the age and level of knowledge of the children and carry them out online with the children. The aim is to create a fun exchange for the children in English.
* Creating games and teaching materials: You can develop materials and resources that the staff in the Gakudos can easily use in everyday life and that make the daily routine more varied and interactive.
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