The rise of the fishing industry and increasing water temperatures are having a dramatic impact on the future of marine life. Along with a team of researchers, scientists and other volunteers you will be exploring life beneath the sea, and finding new ways to conserve it.
You will usually dive twice per day to gather research, data and observations of the marine world. The enthusiastic and knowledgeable team will soon have you as passionate about the marine world as they are, noticing subtle changes and their dramatic effects.
The organisation works hard to promote awareness of the fast rate of change under the sea. Monitoring fish, coral, water temperatures and other factors, they are building an alarming picture of the way that external factors are radically changing Thailand’s marine diversity. Prepare to leave the project with a thorough understanding of marine conservation, a passion for diving and the knowledge that you have contributed to something lasting and important.
Project tasks
The island is a beautiful place to explore in free time. The beaches are pristine and golden, offering great swimming and lovely walking. The rainforests that cover the island are ready to be explored, and great boat trips and hiking trips can be arranged here. Alternatively, stretching out with a good book is a great way to enjoy time off in a relaxed and beautiful setting.
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