The Cultural Arts Center Zanzibar (CACZ) is located right inmidst the picturesque old town of Stone Town on Zanzibar. Here, local artists and artisans have the opportunity to train their business and artisanal skills and to sell their products. The focus is on locally produced art objects and souvenirs, which are made from ecologically sustainable materials. The products offered at the center include baskets, pillow cases, soaps, wood carvings, sustainably cultured pearls, jewelry, products made from recycled materials and the like.
Many artists and artisans have knowledge of local techniques and materials, but do not have the technical capabilities or knowledge to market their products in a contemporary manner. As a volunteer, you help to design and market local handicraft products appropriately and thus help to create a sustainable basis for life and income for artists and artisans.
This volunteering opportunity is suitable e.g. for people who have knowledge in the areas of design, marketing or business development and would like to pass on their knowledge.
Through the CACZ, artists and artisans from remote areas and women's cooperatives have the opportunity to reach tourists and generate income. As a result, the project fulfills an important role for community development and the development of sustainable tourism on the island.
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