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Family volunteering holiday: elephant conservation in Sri Lanka

Pays d’action: Sri Lanka, Asie
Type d’activité: Missions avec animaux et vétérinaires, Ecovolontariat
Head into the depths of Sri Lanka's interior, where elephants roam wild and free. You and your family can help to protect a group of elephants that are living precariously alongside humans, enabling these two communities to co-exist peacefully.

Description du projet et du rôle des volontaires

Families with children aged 10 or over will love this project. Set in rural Sri Lanka, over 5 hours from the hustle and bustle of Colombo, the location is absolutely stunning. Meet local people who welcome you with open arms, see wild elephants roaming contentedly in the jungle and plains, and work with both communities and elephants to help them co-exist in harmony.

In recent years, the human population in Sri Lanka has been growing, and there has been a huge increase in need for food, particularly rice. Farmers are spreading into previously untouched areas, and this change has meant that increasingly humans and elephants are now forced to live together - often with tragic results.

This award-winning conservation project aims to help people and elephants to live alongside each other. Volunteers help to monitor the elephants, collect data about the environment and speak with locals about their experiences with elephants. All of this is set in the stunning mountainous backdrop of rural Sri Lanka.

You and your family will live with other volunteers in a remote volunteer house. You will share a western toilet and refreshingly cold shower. The views from the patio of the accommodation are stunning, overlooking a large reservoir and jagged mountain peaks.

Three meals per day are served, but don't hold your breath for bangers and mash! Rice is the staple here, with breakfast, lunch and dinner all boasting rice and curry dishes. Bread and spread and fruits are also available, but you will essentially be eating a traditional (and delicious!) Sri Lankan diet.

L’organisation de volontariat se présente

This organisation specialises in arranging hand-picked ethical volunteering projects in more than 24 countries around the world. Projects mainly focus on animal welfare, conservation, and sustainability, with strong focus also on humanitarian and social care programmes. Their passionate and experienced team of travellers have been sending volunteers around the world since 2006.

Oyster Worldwide also offer work programmes for those wanting jobs in Canada or Australia. Have a look at their website for more options!
En savoir plus sur nos critères de sélection pour choisir nos organisations partenaires.

Fiche technique de la mission

Pays d’action :
Sri Lanka, Asie
Type d'activité :
Missions avec animaux et vétérinaires,Ecovolontariat
Durée de la mission :
Minimum: 2 semaines
Frais de participation à la mission :
(contacter l’organisation pour une liste de prix complète)
2 semaines : 1000 €
Pourquoi payer pour faire du volontariat ?

* Toutes les indications de prix sont fournies par l’organisation de volontariat sans garantie. Si l’organisation ne facture pas en Euros, les prix réels peuvent varier en fonction du cours de change.
Disponibilité de la mission :
A tout moment
Age minimum :
10 ans
Age maximum :
pas d'âge maximum
Placement individuelle ou en groupe ?
Individuelle / Groupe
Maîtrise de langues :
Qualifications particulières :
Pas nécessaire
Hébergement & repas :
Shared accommodation in a volunteer house. Three meals per day are served.

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Comment choisir la bonne organisation de volontariat ?

Si vous utilisez notre formulaire de contact, nous vous offrons en plus notre guide de plus de 20 pages « Comment choisir la bonne organisation de volontariat ? » au format PDF. Il contient entre autres une check-list avec plus de 50 critères de sélection pour facilement évaluer vos options.