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Volunteer in Brazil: Forest Conservation

Pays d’action: Brésil, Amérique latine et Caraïbes
Type d’activité: Agriculture, Ecovolontariat
Work with a team of specialists to support reforestation efforts in Brazil's Atlantic rainforest--one of the most biodiverse regions of the world! You will learn a variety of new skills, from agroforestry techniques to medicinal plant identification, all while working to restore one of the world's greatest natural wonders.

Description du projet et du rôle des volontaires

As a volunteer, you will help protect and regenerate the stunning Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil. Together with an international team of volunteers and researchers, you will learn about the rainforest's medicinal plants, how reforestation affects local water quality, and work closely with neighboring landowners who are transitioning to agroforestry. You will work in the on-site experimental coffee plantation, learning exciting new techniques that promote sustainable agriculture that work hand in hand with reforestation efforts.

You will work in the nursery to prepare seedlings for planting and learn how to work with geographic information systems (GIS) to map planting areas. You will help maintain forest trails and work in schools to promote environmental education. With your help, our partner organization will reach its goal of planting one million trees by 2030!

As part of a dedicated team of volunteers and researchers, you will actively contribute to the protection of the fascinating Brazilian rainforest and its biodiversity.
Get to know Brazil and its rainforest - the Mata Atlântica - from a unique perspective and immerse yourself in the world of the locals and researchers who are working to protect it.

L’organisation de volontariat se présente

We take you to fascinating corners of our earth, whose amazing beauty and uniqueness and whose ecological integrity needs to be sustainably protected. By taking an active part in animal protection and nature conservation, you are making a valuable contribution towards this objective. And as a side effect, you will learn to understand and treasure “nature at its best” from a completely different angle.
En savoir plus sur nos critères de sélection pour choisir nos organisations partenaires.

Fiche technique de la mission

Pays d’action :
Brésil, Amérique latine et Caraïbes
Type d'activité :
Durée de la mission :
Minimum: 4 semaines / 1 Mois
Maximum: 3 mois
Frais de participation à la mission :
(contacter l’organisation pour une liste de prix complète)
4 semaines/1 mois : 1050 €
8 semaines/2 mois : 1850 €
3 mois : 2650 €
Pourquoi payer pour faire du volontariat ?

* Toutes les indications de prix sont fournies par l’organisation de volontariat sans garantie. Si l’organisation ne facture pas en Euros, les prix réels peuvent varier en fonction du cours de change.
Disponibilité de la mission :
Volunteers can join any day of the week
Age minimum :
18 ans
Age maximum :
pas d'âge maximum
Placement individuelle ou en groupe ?
Individuelle / Groupe
Maîtrise de langues :
To join this project, it is important that you speak fluent English (or Portuguese).
Qualifications particulières :
Volunteers must be at least 18 years old and have advanced English of Portuguese language skills. You should be physically fit, have a desire for adventure and be willing to learn. To get an impression of your personal skills and interests, our partner kindly requests the submission of your CV with your inquiry beforehand.
Hébergement & repas :
There is a central house with four bedrooms for two people each, two bathrooms, a living room, a shared kitchen, and a library. Additionally, there are four cabins with space for two volunteers each. Electricity and Wi-Fi are always available. The on-site restaurant serves fresh food three times a day. Vegetarian/vegan or other food preferences are also considered here.

Obtenir plus d’informations gratuitement

  • Recevez immédiatement un e-mail avec le site web et le n° de téléphone de l’organisation de volontariat
  • Recevez gratuitement notre guide avec une check-list à imprimer
  • Un guide de conversation en cadeau, si vous vous inscrivez plus tard
First name
Last name
Phone number / Whatsapp / SMS
Questions and motivations*

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En savoir plus sur notre politique de protection de votre vie privée.

Le guide du volontariat à l’étranger

Comment choisir la bonne organisation de volontariat ?

Si vous utilisez notre formulaire de contact, nous vous offrons en plus notre guide de plus de 20 pages « Comment choisir la bonne organisation de volontariat ? » au format PDF. Il contient entre autres une check-list avec plus de 50 critères de sélection pour facilement évaluer vos options.